ISTE Standards & NGSS Science & Engineering Practies

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ATtiny85 Resources

TinyAVR Programmer and Arduino Uno with ATtiny85
I originally started writing about my experiences programming the ATtiny85 on another blog, but it has been brought to my attention that some of you may have been looking for that documentation here.

As a result, I'm cross-posting to help those interested find the information they are seeking, particularly those of you I may have chatted with during Lucie's Making with Code:  Let's Get Physical workshop at Vermont Fest on 6 November.

I've also been asked where to purchase the chips, as well as the method that I prefer when programming the ATtiny85. While I use a TinyAVR programmer for programming circuit sticker microprocessors, I prefer using an Arduino Uno with my ATtiny85's for the following reasons.

1)  It's easier to remove the chip without accidentally bending the legs.

2)  You can set up a breadboard with LEDs to immediately test the code on your ATtiny85.

3)  A lot of people have Arduino boards kicking around (but don't know what to use them for).

Some time early next year I hope to teach another workshop or two geared towards educators and students, as a large number of you expressed disappointment that you were unable to attend the Notebook Hacking session at Vermont Fest.

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